Recipe Page Feedback
Recipe Page Feedback
Griffin's Feedback
- Typeface choices: more variations in weight and size, so we can tell the hierarchy of h1, h2, h3.
- Maybe a sans serif will fit more about “stuffed peppers”?
- More colors: yellow, orange, red, green- bell pepper colors.
- Maybe add a little margin bottom under the image in steps, but leave step 2 on the same page as step 1 as you scroll down.
- Text size is a little small.
- The fixed heading cut off the first image, consider making it smaller, more transparent.
Anya's Feedback
- Consider changing the serif to a sans serif.
- You have a comfortable left/right margin on the page.
- Slightly increase body text size for ease of legibility on a phone screen.
- Make sure all sentences are ending in a period.
- Add a link somewhere to the original recipe, or create a button that will link the user out of your page.
- First two images are fully fleshed to the ends of the page, whereas the rest have a left/right margin. Consider keeping this consistent.