1. My name is Ciara Greene, I am a Communication Design Major, and I am a Junior.
  2. I am studying ComDes so this class is required for me but i'm also very interested in learning HTML.
  3. I have no experience writing code.
  4. In this class, I want to learn how to make a simple website.
  5. I expect designing on a screen to have a learning curve and for everthing to take much longer than designing things for paper.
  6. https://www.apple.com/ apple's website is designed very steamlined and straightforward.The top bar is divided into Apple's main product line, making information on any Apple product easy to find. The images used are all very striking and cohesive to the overall feel of the website.
  7. https://www.dickblick.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwzJjrBRBvEiwA867byp7Jo--MBO-dHXsE9ATqR3eXK3fpa0pbjDaBTMXsgOVWgJeuRv041hoCLLEQAvD_BwE Blick's website displays effective communication as each category of art supplies is divded into clear links that have both the picture and the name of the product. Navigating the site is extremely easy.
  8. https://www.johnhendrix.com/ Professor Hendrix's website works well as samples of his llustration work is engaging and easily available on the home page. The links on the header also clearly divide his site to display his work featured across different projects. The whole wesbite feels personalized and easily accessible.